Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

Why We should respect women

The Inconvenient truth behind Beyonce Song “If I were a boy and Run The World” Why we should respect women?

International womens day tend to be a moment where most people rise their voice for womens rights. As human being, people should respect to each other. But the question rise when we asked about why do women need respect and then the hashtag #RespectWomen come up to surface? Dont they get justice or they get bad treatment? What make them deserved the respect? And what actually respecting women means?

Over 4 billions years human lived on earth and as time passed the era also has changed. Lets look back to the history of mankind and how women lived at that time. Man has been lived as dominant sex since long ago, the dawn of mankind. In some ancient history, men sometime treated women unfairly. In ancient Arab societies, they used to bury their daughter alive just not long after they were born. Having daughter at that time is a shame for them. For nearly as long as civilization has existed, patriarchy enforced the rights of first born son. Ancient Greece men used to tied off their left testicle in an effort to produce male heirs; women have killed themselves (or been killed) for failing to bear son. On some last decades in South Korea, wives will be badly treated as maid if they cannot give male heirs and this still happen in some society in this world until now.

The era has been changed since education and technology enlighten human mind. Women are now can get and do what men do even sometimes they do it a whole a lot better . Even they can go to space and dive deep in the sea. They can go beyond boundaries and even facing many obstacles. Just as Ronald Ericcson said , (a Biologist that found Sperminator, sperm sorting technique for gender selection method) “These Females will leave us males in the dust”. Ericcson was the man who leased the method that allow parents to select kids gender in clinic before pregnancy.

Learning about the sperm itself. Ericcson found a method to separated two kinds of sperms. The X- and the Y chromosome carrying sperm. He made an experiment by analyzing the movement of those sperms inside albumin fluid. The X or female carrying sperms has bigger head and tail they swim slow and has better endurance so they life longer while the Y or male carrying sperms are leaner and swim faster than the X. So whats the correlation between sperm and women respect?

Women who get unfair treatment often think that its disappointing to born as woman. If i were a boy, has been a famous statement that spread world wide by Beyonce song. This song may express their feeling and their need to be respected. The story of sperms struggle to reach their goal show us something that born as women its not an unlucky fate. To be born as women it means they have won the race against other male carrying sperm that swim or move faster than them. Its not a big deal that someone who can run faster win the race so for every woman that born in life they have proved their endurance before they were born are worth. Its not all about physical endurance but its something that you can see from truth that most suicide victims are men.

      If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear id be a better man
I’d Listen To her
Cause i know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause He taken you from granted
And everything you had got destoyed
(Beyonce, If I were a Boy )

Unfortunately, even in modern era where women live equally with men still some bad thing such as harrasement happen to them. A disrespected treatment or unfair condition can lead them to rise their voices even more some extreme campaign by feminist who spokes out that women will lead in future and the era of men will soon end. Do u ever imagine such world with less power men? Our species will soon take greater control of its evolution. Talking about Genetic engineering, Women could blend their DNA and cut men out in the near future. But no one want this happen right? Maybe that future is far away but just see the truth about how many women decide to live alone and rule her own world since they got no respect from people around them

Some of them men think they freak this like we do
But no they don't
Make your check come at they neck
Disrespect us no they won
My persuasion can build a nation
Endless power with our love we can devour
You’ll do anything for me
(Beyonce , Run The World)

Women and men are different just like the logic and the feeling. They both different but they have their own role and connection To respect someone sometimes doesn't need a reason. When people disrespect them, women may be won't hate the people but they will hate themselves and feel annoyed. The word respect for women is not about taking a bow for them or lift them in high position but to appreciate their value and protect their body and soul. Respect women is a simple thing to do. Appreciate the things that they do and try not to hurt them by verbally or physically will be a wise concern. Simply love mom who take care of you and do help her whatever happen, be nice to sister even sometimes we fights and other women around. Let your daughter play or even enter a karate class, don't worry when she wanna study far from you to get better education. Don't make a great differences between what son and daughter do will make them feel appreciated. Do not try to control their life just keep watching, guide and protect them. Respect women because its a way to make them feel save.

In the end,  life is just about take and give. Give respect and take respect. 

By : anggi.rosalia

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