Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

A Simple Snack : Cheese Potato Ball

Cheese Potato Ball

Hey Guys i have another simple snack recipe that u can try,,its cheesy and yummy.. Lets try to make it

Ingredients :
3 Medium Potato
100 gr grated ceddar cheese
2 garlics
2 shallots
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon chicken stock
2 eggs
1 celery
100 gr wheat flour
100 gr Bread Crumbs Flour
100 gr corned beef or u can skip it if its not available

How to make :
Cut every potato into 8 pieces and deep fry it in oil until it cook, drain it
After u fry the potato, Slice the garlics and shallow and fry it too in oil, drain it
Mash the potato until u got smooth potato dough
Grind the shallot and garlic then put it in mashed potato dough
Add cheese, chicken stock powder, pepper, and corned beef, stir and mix it well
Stir 1 egg in another bowl, then put in the potato dough, mix it
Take 1 tablespoon dough then roll it with hand into ball shape

Prepare the bread, and this is the step how u bread the potato ball :
Pour wheat flour egg, and bread crumbs in different bowl
Coat the ball in the wheat flour, roll it until all the surface covered by flour
Stir 1 egg in a bowl then put the potato ball, roll it so the ball coated by egg
After u put the potato ball in egg, now coat it with bread crumbs
Fry the balls in medium heat oil until it get golden brown colour
Ur Potato Balls is ready to served

 Now u have known the ingredients and how to make it.. so what u waiting for? Try it at home hoho

Thank U for visitin my blog ^-^ wait for next post

 Dont forget to Visit My Page on Migme too..

By : anggi rosalia

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